Looking for Fall Color

Here and there I see hints of fall. A little gold in the birches…

You can’t tell in the photo and the original looks okay without close inspection, but I had one of those art supply disasters that make you want to cuss. I used masking fluid for the tree trunks and branches so I could have fun with the background. Unfortunately, I was also using some inexpensive, hotpress paper I had lying around. So, I ended up with quite a mess because the paper surface was pulled up when I removed the masking fluid. I decided to continue to play with the sketch and the rough paper ended up working well with panting the birch bark. That is one of those nice things about sketching - you have the freedom to “play” your way out of a problem…sometimes it works!

A pumpkin patch…

Where is fall showing itself around you? How do you respond to the changing seasons? Does it make you want to paint or write poetry? Please comment below!


Masking Fluid Marker - Don't leave home without it!


Oregon Coast 2023