Announcing… “Positively Creative” -Kathleen’s New Student Community!
It’s an interesting thing that happens…in every class I teach, in-person or online, a safe, friendly, little community starts to develop. Students gain confidence not only in their skills but also in sharing their artistic problems and triumphs with one another. Occasionally connections are made that continue beyond the end of the class, but usually, the communities disband. I’ve always thought it would be great to keep the ball rolling and encourage the communities to thrive beyond the individual classes.
Well - now I have a space to encourage all my current and past students to post their work, tell their stories, learn, be encouraged, and be encouraging to one another.
Announcing my student community! I’m calling it “Positively Creative” because it’s meant to be a place of positivity for you to draw upon (did I intend that pun?) Oh, and it’s a place that is free from popup ads, time-sucking cat videos (not that I have anything against cat videos), and other hazards of social media.
YOU can join in the fun! And I hope you do!
For my online students, you just need to log into my learning portal as you would to take a class. My in-person students need to sign up for my school, Kathleen Moore Studio, first, but that’s easy!
I’ll be looking for you!